MONDAY RUNFIT- Wittenham Clumps 9.15-10am TUESDAY PowerWalk - Wittenham Clumps 9.15 - 10am (dogs are welcome on the class) TUESDAY 40:20 - Moulsford Pavilion (indoor class) 6.30-7.30pm WEDNESDAY NIXmix - Blue Tin, Ipsden 9.15-10am THURSDAY HoopBall - Moulsford Pavilion (indoor class) 9.15-10am FRIDAY BodyWeight - Wittenham Clumps 9.15-10am SATURDAY PowerWalk & Pooches - Wittenham Clumps 9.15 - 10am (dogs are now welcome on this class) Classes are purchased in monthly blocks. Fees are payable in advance and non-refundable. Outdoor Classes £10 per session Indoor Classes £12.50 per session SWAP A CLASS! To make things easier for clients we are now offering a ’swap’ system. If you cannot attend a class on a particular week, you will now be able to swap to another timetabled class on that same week. For further information or to book a class please email